Format de la formation
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5.5 heures sur 0.75 jour
De 1 à 1 personnes
Inter : Nous consulter
Intra : Nous consulter
- Have knowledge of electricity.
- The use of a helmet is recommended.
- PC, laptop or tablet with sound card and multimedia player (video playback).
- Internet access by a browser of a recent version.
Public concerné
Personnel working on low voltage electrical structures.
- Preparing the B1, B1V, B2, B2V, BR, BC certifications in compliance with the NF C 18-510 French norm, approved on
December 21, 2011. - Safely carrying out operations on low voltage electrical structures.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Preparing the B1, B1V, B2, B2V, BR, BC certifications in compliance with the NF C 18-510 French norm, approved on December 21, 2011.
- Safely carrying out operations on low voltage electrical structures.
- Chapter 1 - Regulatory and standard context
- Chapter 2 - Basics of electricity
- Chapter 3 - Risk analysis related to electricity
- Chapter 4 - Operations and certification levels
- Chapter 5 - Electrical hazards prevention
- Chapter 6 - Working with the power off
- Chapter 7 - Fires and accidents caused by electricity
- At the end of the training, the trainee is assessed. The outcome analysis paves the way, when necessary, for appropriate corrective measures. A placement test on the knowledge – proposed ahead of the training – may also complete this module
Méthodes Pédagogiques
Teaching method
E-learning module.
Videos and very realistic 3D animations.
After each chapter, you gain access to a downloadable summary on “ key points ”. The learner will be able to consult this document whenever necessary.
Technical means
E-learning on a dedicated platform with access by individual code.
Modalités d'évaluation
Initial training mode : The learner follows all the chapters and is assessed at the end of the course. Refresher mode : Placement tests enable the learners to automatically provide the appropriate training based on their knowledge. The refresher duration varies depending on the learners’ profiles. This course must be supplemented, as soon as possible, by face-to-face training with the objective of: - Check the knowledge acquired or reviewed in Open Distance Learning (FOAD) - To carry out the practical part, whenever possible, in the learner's usual work environment or failing that through indoor work on representative structures or installations to verify theoretical knowledge and verify the learner's ability to apply the safety requirements in a simulated work environment. - To carry out the practical and final assessment. The renewal of the electrical accreditation is compulsory with a recommended periodicity of 3 years. This training is sanctioned by an individual E-Learning end-of-course certificate.
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